Responsible ReMarketers
Technology can propel a company forward or slow down its competitive edge. We have contracts with some of the most important companies in the country to help them eliminate old, burdensome hardware so it can be replaced with newer, better models.
We provide premium customer service throughout your ITAD process:
RemovalWe come onsite with equipment that you’ve pre-approved to securely pack up and remove technology quietly and with consideration.LogisticsSecure, GPS tracked transportation provides a complete chain of custody for all assetsSeparationAll data-bearing and non-data-bearing equipment is immediately given tracking numbers and put into our proprietary warehouse management system. Your technology isn’t mixed with any other client.Data SecurityData is destroyed per NIST specifications. It’s all done in-house, at our facility, by our fully-vetted staff.RecyclingAll technology is handled in accordance with all local and federal laws and regulations.Value RecoveryOnce all data is destroyed beyond recovery, ReMarkets works to reclaim as much value as possible while also preventing wasteful pollution.A Personal TouchFrom the moment you decide to work with ReMarkets, our technicians will begin planning for the best care of your equipment. Our experts will appraise, tag, and create a process to get your hardware to a point where they can be renewed, reused, repurposed, or recycled. This ensures a collaborative and integrated operation with the best outcomes possible.
"Our experts will appraise, tag, and create a process to get your hardware to a point where it can be renewed, reused, repurposed, or recycled."